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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2008 1:06 am
by Anubis
I just wanted to go tell everyone to see this movie.

I saw it on Chirstmas night, and it was absolutely phenomenal. It's easily one of the best movies I've seen in quite awhile. I feel that in many ways, the movie is better than The Dark Knight. (Keep in mind that these are two entirely different movies that set out to accomplish completely different things. I also loved TDK)

The story is moving, and the characters are very well developed. Brad Pitt plays the part of Benjamin perfectly, and it's a testament to his acting ability that he can play such a unique character so well. Cate Blanchett also fills her role magnificently.

It's a fairly long movie. The run time is somewhere around three hours.

It's rare for a movie to leave me with such an intense impression and leave me with so many thoughts about the experience that we call life. There are a few humorous situations, but overall the movie is a pretty sad affair. Few movies have made me tear up as many times as this one. (Then again, I tear up at everything. For a small comparison, I teared up at the end of Final Fantasy X)

It seems to be a rather love it or hate it affair, but again, I can't stress enough that you all should go see it and judge for yourself. Here are some other opinions. ... c=47297789 ... in_button/

DO NOT, Do not go in expecting an action movie. This is not The Dark Knight or Valkyrie. The movie moves at it's own pace, and you're just along for the ride.

Re: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:04 am
by Dick Motorman
yeah I've been really interested in seeing this one. From everything I've seen and heard it looks phenomenal.

Re: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:22 am
by JimboKudo
I thought it was a kids movie, but I guess not. I just assumed because of the title. Now I'm kinda interested in seeing it.

Re: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:07 pm
by Nitroadict
Easily one of the saddest movies I've ever seen. Were I not in the company of others, I would've shed a few, silent man tears throughout the movie.

the screenwriter, eric roth, also wrote forrest gump,
which in hindsight, you can easily see the influences & similarities. I'm glad I didn't know those going in though, as it would've made me expect a certain movie.

The last 15 mins were also the saddest, imo:
Specifically, the scene of Daisy holding Benjamin (as a toddler with dementia)'s hand; devastatingly sad.
I would definitely snatch this off of Amazon, possibly for blu-ray if commentary from Pitt and/or Blanchett made it in the final disc.