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Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:33 pm
by Junker Gear Snatcher
I was playing Snatcher, Sega CD version, and I was playing around with names in Jordan.

I didn't find anything really neat, a lot of "Not on file" or whatever notices, but upon entering "REDWOOD", I received an error: "You do not have authority to access these files" Type error. And I believe a "Administrator clearance required" or something along those lines.

Anybody else try this?

I thought it was really bizarre, because things like Madnar/Modnar don't turn up anything, but REDWOOD is classified? Cool.

(Note, haven't played Policenauts, so I only know Redwood is that purple haired guy in that game. So please no spoilers for that game)

Re: Jordan?

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 10:58 pm
by Artemio

But No, I never tried it. It is odd since it is not in the table of names, as you can check here:

That is the dump from all the text in the game, and redwood isn't there.. so the sega cd has no string to match your input. Odd.

Re: Jordan?

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:02 am
by el_ash
Never herd of "Redwood" being in the game/on file? ..I've been through every part of the "text dumps"....not in awhile though, but yeah....that's odd.

I know that when you look up Jamie or Gillian you get a Restricted data message....
"class 7 access" or something like that is required to access the info, I think the cheif even says something about this if you talk to him after trying it out? But as far as I know you can never see the files for them. (for obvious "spoiler" reasons)

Also...depending on what you have done in the game/what act it is, the FILES/INFO in JORDAN change a little to match the plot. Like if you look up Gibson when you first start the game (before the factory), and then after you find him dead....the info mentions his death....stuff like that :mrgreen: