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What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:22 am
by violentpig
Metal Gear: Liquid Ops

on PSP

I'd love a game non-canon where you play as Liquid doing his black ops missions. All the dirty work the US govt needs done discreetly. Nothing to do with Solid or Big Boss or anything like that.

Definately somthing like that would be suited for the PSP. I donno. I'm lost with no Metal Gear title to look forward to. I'm on my 3rd play of MGS4 and I'll probably go back to GTAIV when I'm done. I haven't played that since 6-12-08 heh.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:26 pm
by Nitroadict
I second the call for an Interquel that takes a break from the main storyline that takes place on the PSP, and involves Liquid's backstory.

I really liked the art direction they had for Portable Ops, as well as PO being the closest thing MGS has gotten to being an RPG thus far (exempting the card system of the non-canon Ac!d games).

I could easily see something similar like Liquid having to hire a force of soldiers to help carry out black-ops, and possibly put the player in a position to double or triple cross them later.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:15 pm
by 87th
As it stands, I'm not terribly interested in any further MetalGear games, but if they made one I'd be happy to see a game that followed an entirely new cast of characters who are fighting over one of the many MetalGears that were produced when Ocelot leaked the plans for REX. I'd also be fairly disappointed if they made a title that took place after MGS4 and starred Solid Snake.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 9:51 pm
by violentpig
I really think Solid Snake's story is done.

I just sometimes wonder if it's possible from a business standpoint.

I mean, Metal Gear is a key Konami franchise. I really wonder what would happen if the business execs basically say to Kojima "Look, we need Solid Snake to sell 3 million more games".

I love that idea of Liquid having to REALLY get his hands dirty and do what needs to be done to complete his mission, no matter how vile it may be.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:44 pm
by seraphssavior
Hell, I'd love to see Metal Gear Liquid, too. But I'd like it to be a canonical back-story, like how he built FOXHOUND up, found out about all the evils of the world, discovered his father's legacy. It could be really fun.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:58 pm
by violentpig
Now THAT'S a great idea. I shouldn't have started this thread, now I want it bad!

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 2:53 am
by Ghost
I rather see Kojima focus on complete new franchises or perhaps make a Snatcher sequel, but if there would be a new Metal Gear game I would like to see the following.

- A whole new cast of characters, sure the main character's codename can be Solid Snake but let him/her be someone unique and not a clone of Big Boss.
- Less fantastic elements such as as weird powers and technologies, keep any future technology to a somewhat plausible level, exception of course can be the Metal Gear unit.
- Without trying to compromise the gameplay, perhaps a sand box like world build up, sure the player still runs into certain character and certain events still take place but outside the player has as much freedom as possible.
- Preferably a bit more militaristic/espionage storyline.
- Less wacky characters, sure have someone like Johnny who is the comic relief but keep it to a minimum.
- Focus on Stealth again with perhaps the additions of camouflage like in Metal Gear Solid 3 and disguises.
- A fresh start, make it unrelated to the previous series, no more Big Boss stories or stories after MGS4.
- Sorry guys, please don't hate me, more focus on gameplay like Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake, cutscenes to a minimum.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:26 am
by Henry Spencer
Liquid is my favourite character in the Metal Gear series, but I much prefer him being mysterious as he is.

I would like a new universe with new characters.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 4:43 pm
by BigBoss
I would love to see a game where you can go through the life of Gray Fox as the Cyborg Ninja. But no matter what the next Metal Gear is about, It MUST focus on stealth more.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 5:15 pm
by Nitroadict
But no matter what the next Metal Gear is about, It MUST focus on stealth more.

Agreed; although there is stealth in the game (when going after emblems & bonus DP points), it certainly wasn't required like in previous games.

However, I think MGS4's run & gun style was a bit of an aberration due to the nature of finishing up the story & tying up the loose ends. Also, the more I play the game, the more I feel like they did that on purpose in order to fit with the urgency of Snake' last days. Sort of like, the game's constant pacing towards the end mirroring Snake's rapidly approaching final days...

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:47 pm
by BigBoss
Yeah and the third person shooting also made things a little less focused on stealth.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2008 6:54 pm
by violentpig
Yeah I think with the war economy being so prevalent in MGS4 it didn't seem stealth as the main focus of the game wouldn't fit the atmosphere.

BUT, I can still get 0 kills and 0 alerts heh. Time is what prevents me from the Big Boss emblem though. I'm too patient :)

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 8:32 am
by Crimson Rex
A crossover with Policenauts and Snatcher would be epic.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by Ghost
I think a crossover between these three games would be contrived.

But I couldn't help but think of a scenario in which Metal Gear 1 and Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake took place right before the catastrophe of Snatcher and that Snatcher of course took place fifty years later.
People still remembered the Metal Gear menaces but because of the Catastrophe its threat had been somewhat downsized.

Little did they know that in Neo Kobe a new Metal Gear type was being developed and that the Snatchers were after it.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:57 pm
by Commander_AK-47
violentsnake wrote:Metal Gear: Liquid Ops

on PSP

I'd love a game non-canon where you play as Liquid doing his black ops missions. All the dirty work the US govt needs done discreetly. Nothing to do with Solid or Big Boss or anything like that.

Definately somthing like that would be suited for the PSP. I donno. I'm lost with no Metal Gear title to look forward to. I'm on my 3rd play of MGS4 and I'll probably go back to GTAIV when I'm done. I haven't played that since 6-12-08 heh.

so u want something to look forward to?

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:15 pm
by Dick Motorman
What I'd like to see in the MG franchise is for Hideo to apologize for MGS4 and either officially say it's non canon and make a new game in it's place, or just leave the series alone and declare MGS4 being non canon.

edit: to anyone reading this, it was meant as a joke, a dry one at that.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:19 pm
by Commander_AK-47
what the hell r u talking about?! theres no reason for him to apologize! the story developed very well.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:15 pm
by Dick Motorman
Commander_AK-47 wrote:what the hell r u talking about?! theres no reason for him to apologize! the story developed very well.
the story was laughable, in fact the story was a complete pile of shit aside from a few cool moments (I really liked
Zero's death, even though Big Boss coming back was complete bullshit

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:01 pm
by Commander_AK-47
DUDE!!! wat game did u play?
big boss coming back
was everybodys dream and it was totaly possible he would be like 70 yeas old and im sure a man like him could still operate well over 80. and the story elements were all awesome there wasn't a single moment when i felt it needed improvement. no no no it was awesome no exceptions. the only bull shit i see is wat u wrote.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:39 pm
by Ghost
Well tastes differ, I on the other hand fully agree with Dick Motorman regarding the plot of MGS4.

It felt convoluted, contrived (even more that a regular MG) and was so focused on resolve we got plot device after plot device.
And honestly, Big Boss, did not need to return.
In fact his appearance had no impact on the story whatsoever at all.

How much I dislike the idea of Solid Snake shooting himself in the end, imagine the powerful impact it would have; Snake kills himself in order to save the human species, in the end he always fought for life and not war like Big Boss and the others.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:52 am
by Nitroadict
Uh, from what I remember, Snake did not really need to kill himself to save the human race (foxdie competing with foxdie, not instantly making him a walking weapon), and wouldn't he be able to 'save' the human race (altruism has definite problems no one seems to care about nowadays...) by essentially living out in seclusion away from others? I didn't see much reason for him to shoot himself once Big Boss came in and explained that Naomi lied about Snake needing to kill himself*

I also thought the whole Big Boss was alive all this time, operating from behind the scenes and/or in a stasis coma was kind of a big deal with regards to the story, but that is a matter of subjective tastes, I admit.

* I would point to that as BB influencing the story, contrast to what you say, however, whether or not this is good (or was even needed) is another matter lol.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:19 am
by Dick Motorman
Commander_AK-47 wrote:DUDE!!! wat game did u play? big boss coming back was everybodys dream and it was totaly possible he would be like 70 yeas old and im sure a man like him could still operate well over 80. and the story elements were all awesome there wasn't a single moment when i felt it needed improvement. no no no it was awesome no exceptions. the only bull shit i see is wat u wrote.
Well it's 'fans' like you that ruined the fucking series, so thank's a lot! A game that I have been waiting for for 7 year's, a game that could have been a masterpeice, a game that could have pushed the boundries of what games could be, a game that could have bridged the gap between movies, games, and art, much like mgs, mgs2 and mg2 did in the year's before, but instead the game that I played was a silly contrived fan wank made for morons like you, not a metal gear game. Also what the fuck? HE WAS DEAD, they retconned the fucking shit out of the series, the biggest being Big Boss, it has nothing to do with his age, it has much more to do with 'fans' like you that love big boss for the character you saw in MGS3, and not for the character that was in MG and especially MG2 which you clearly haven't played and honestly seems like you haven't heard of them from the way you speak of Big Boss. One of the big fuck ups with the story is how it was more of a sequal to MGS3 than is was to MGS2, it had far, far more to do with the characters of snake eater than it did with SoL, which is bullshit.
Ghost wrote:Well tastes differ, I on the other hand fully agree with Dick Motorman regarding the plot of MGS4.

It felt convoluted, contrived (even more that a regular MG) and was so focused on resolve we got plot device after plot device.
And honestly, Big Boss, did not need to return.
In fact his appearance had no impact on the story whatsoever at all.

How much I dislike the idea of Solid Snake shooting himself in the end, imagine the powerful impact it would have; Snake kills himself in order to save the human species, in the end he always fought for life and not war like Big Boss and the others.
I pretty much agree, snake shooting himself and the game ending that simply I would have at least given them credit for doing something like that to a character as beloved as Snake.
Nitroadict wrote:Uh, from what I remember, Snake did not really need to kill himself to save the human race (foxdie competing with foxdie, not instantly making him a walking weapon), and wouldn't he be able to 'save' the human race (altruism has definite problems no one seems to care about nowadays...) by essentially living out in seclusion away from others? I didn't see much reason for him to shoot himself once Big Boss came in and explained that Naomi lied about Snake needing to kill himself*

I also thought the whole Big Boss was alive all this time, operating from behind the scenes and/or in a stasis coma was kind of a big deal with regards to the story, but that is a matter of subjective tastes, I admit.

* I would point to that as BB influencing the story, contrast to what you say, however, whether or not this is good (or was even needed) is another matter lol.
you kind of miss some of the point here, if big boss didn't come back then there wouldn't have been that long winded speech, thus everything naomi said would have still been true.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:29 am
by Ghost
Many people don't seem to get that the whole "Foxdie competing with Foxdie" is a contrived game concept, giving Snake a cure and making him young again wouldn't even be more absurd than this.
Especially if people wanted more games with Solid Snake.

I shall be honest, Metal Gear Solid 4 feels like a load of fanwank, especially geared towards those who were all over the MGS series.
Don't me wrong, I liked the Solid series but that doesn't mean that I consider everything of it genius, let alone not open for improvement.

I don't get the whole "Big Boss" love and adoration, sure I liked playing the character but people seem to forget that this guy wanted to trap the world in perpetual warfare.
"No he didn't, he created Outer Heaven and later Zanzibar Land to oppose the <B>Patriots</B>." Some of you might say.
May I remind you that this plot twist was invented years after Hideo Kojima made Metal Gear 1 and 2?

In his original take Big Boss, Gray Fox and the others were simply soldiers who were addicted to war, they weren't out to fight some Illuminati like conspiracy group and create a nation free of them, they wanted a world in which they would always be important.

Having Big Boss back is definitely the fantasy of the people who played Metal Gear Solid 3 and Portable Ops but not the people who started from the beginning with the series.

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:14 am
by Dick Motorman
exactly =D>

Re: What I'd like in a new Metal Gear title.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:46 pm
by Commander_AK-47
I guess you had mistaken me for one of those nubs who idolized the MGS3 version of Big Boss because of my poor choice of words. Let me get this straight, I am not an MGS3 lover, I respect the old days when Big Boss was a bad guy and I truly like it better that way. You accuse me of being a Naked Snake Lover!? Fuck that! I truly adore the Big Boss of the MG Series, the true bad guy of the good old days, even before the <B>Patriots</B>. I played from the very beginning dude I didn't start with MGS3 or Portable Ops, it was not my fantasy to see the 'Good Guy' Big Boss return, don't mistake me for one of those nubs.

In fact I believe it would have turned out a hell of a lot better if they never made a prequel where you controlled Big Boss. They could have replaced MGS3 with a point in time where you see Solid Snake half as old as he is In MGS4 so it doesn't seem as though he got that old overnight (even though thats basically what happened). For that reason I retract my previous statement and agree with you, MGS4 Strayed too far from the basis set my the original MG games into the contrary world of MGS3 and MPO. I really must have been drunk or something that day and I am really sorry about that. #-o

That being said, I do agree it would have been a symbol for snake to kill himself to save the planet, it would have been a heroes noble death. Plus what I really want is a game where you play as Frank Jaeger.